Logan's Plate – Fresh, Wholesome Baby & Toddler Meals Delivered


Processed Food & Weaning

There has been a lot of interesting news about ultra processed food.

This article particularly stood out to us.


Processing food is something we have been doing for a long time. Trans fats were invented in the 1890s and introduced into the food supply during the 1910s. Any food that is modified from its original form is considered processed, some processing is often necessary and actually good. This move to ultra processed food or highly processed food has gone too far. It seems to me though every year we are consuming more and more highly processed foods while at the same time discovering more evidence about how they can negatively impact our health. This doesn’t make much sense to me. It’s great that processed food is getting more attention in the media because hopefully (eventually) it will make use think harder about what we are consuming and especially what we are giving to our children.

It has been recently reported that half of UK food purchases are ultra-processed foods. Scary, right?

We know that what children eat when they are young influences them in later years.

When you line all of this information up, it’s obvious that giving our little ones fresh vegetables during weaning can only be good. We need to set children up well by introducing them to bitter vegetables very early on. We need to let our little ones explore and enjoy the taste without covering it up with fruit, sugar or salt. A lot of the pouch, jar or ready meal options seem to prey on our natural love of all things sweet. The salt content is sometimes worryingly high and the long shelf lives must result in the depletion of natural nutrients.

Keeping food as fresh as possible is best. That’s why at  Logan’s Plate our food is made on the same day it’s delivered without any special processing or treatment to achieve a long shelf life. Fresh faces deserve fresh food. Should we be giving our little ones food that has a shelf life longer than they have been alive? Probably not.

How often do you think you rely on processed meals? This is definitely not a criticism. Life is just so busy and sometimes cooking from scratch is the last thing on our mind. Fresh food delivery trends are on the rise, we’re just providing the same service, but for the younger generation.

Have you ordered yet? Check out our menu here

Have a delicious day x


CATEGORIES: The Good, Bad and Ugly Food Truth

TAGGED: nutritionprocessed foodsweaning

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