Logan's Plate – Fresh, Wholesome Baby & Toddler Meals Delivered

Food Facts

There is so much to know and love about food. We’ve started collecting fun facts about our favourite ingredients you might not know.


Did you know, chickpeas contain antioxidants, vitamins and minerals including vitamin b6, vitamin c and iron?

They are a fantastic alternative to meat for vegetarians too as they’re a source of protein.


Our toddler Veg Pie is full of lentils!

Did you know, lentils are a very good source of iron? They should be served with vitamin C to reap all the benefits.


Broccoli contains more Vitamin C than oranges! Ok, so there are some caveats behind that fact, but they make it less of a headline.


Egg yolks are one of the few foods that naturally contain Vitamin D.


CATEGORIES: The Good, Bad and Ugly Food Truth


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