Logan's Plate – Fresh, Wholesome Baby & Toddler Meals Delivered

Can I have a SNACK

“Can I have a SNACK?” – Has your little one eaten enough?

This quick guest post from Green Grown Meals covers a hot topic for all of us parents. The “Can I have a snack?” question soon after a meal, is one we all have been asked at some point. In this post she shares her tips for managing these snack requests.

“Can I have a SNACK”? Does this phrase often follow your child saying they aren’t hungry any more?

If so, you are not ALONE. Even if you try to listen to your kids and trust when they are full, it’s hard when they only eat a few bites and then ask for snacks.

How do you know if they ate enough at mealtime?

Kids need snacks. It’s normal to be hungry 2 – 3 hours after they eat. If your child is asking for snacks 5, 10 and 20 minutes after eating, they probably DIDN’T eat enough food.

What can you do?

-Encourage your child to eat until they are full

-Don’t give in to requests for snacks 10 min later

-Distract your child and tell them you will have a snack soon. Try to stretch it to at least another 30-40 min.(I know this can lead to short-term tantrums -NOT FUN, but so much better in the long term)

-When kids learn they can’t have a snack instead of a meal, they learn to fill up more at meal time.

There you have it, some top tips from a registered nutritionist (and mama). Feeding little ones can be a struggle at times and unfortunately there are no quick fixes. Just like with life; perseverance, routine and tools will help you with any parenting battle you might face. Just remember you are not alone and if you have any concerns make sure you reach out to your tribe or a professional (we’re here too).

For more on feeding little ones and some fantastic recipes head over to Green Grown Meals on Instagram.

For Tijani’s tips on feeding and her favourite recipes, don’t forget to check out our blog.

CATEGORIES: Guest PostsWeaning Facts, Tips & Tricks

TAGGED: supporttipstoddlerfoodweaning